Monday, May 14, 2012
State Music Festival - 2012 - Superior Ratings
Congratulations to the following musicians who received Superior Ratings at the State Music Festival: Rachel Bjork, Jordan Bridwell, Megan Bridwell, Kylee Buck, Tanner Byle, Alexa Cote', Abretia Crandell, Sierra Crandell, Baylee Eisenman, Alicia Frye, Damaris Gemmer, Luke Halliburton, Kayla Harwood, Hannah Healy, Rebecca Konen, Alexa Lang, Kendrick Lee, Cassidy Madison, Whitley Newberry, Kelsey Nostrum, Kristen Owens, Kaci Purdy, Jondie Rianda, Amy Snipstead, Elizabeth Sullivan, Sean Toavs and Elliott Van Allen.